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You provided me the car through your partner Margarent. To get the car, I was surprised the guy requested me a deposit in cash of 2500 zlotys ! All the rental document are only in Polish language.
Also, when I returned the car, he requested me to pay 100 Zloty more for cleaning...incredible !
This is the first...and last time I booked through your company. I put also this comment on tripadvisor to inform other potential customer, especially foreign people.
Dear customer, the booking took place correctly because you ordered a BMW X4 car and received a more expensive BMW X5 segment without any extra payment. The driver did not have a terminal with him, therefore, politely asked the Lord to leave a deposit in foreign or Polish currency, you expressed his approval. When returning the car by completing the report, the driver pointed out that the car is dirty and that the cost of washing such a car in this state is 100 PLN (when the car was released, we informed you that the car must come back clean) The deposit was refunded when returning the car so we do not understand the grievances associated with renting our company! MARGARET2017-12-24
Pomimo poczatkowych klopotow przy odbiorze samochodu panowie, ktorzy przywiezli auto zrobili wszystko aby sprostac oczekiwaniom. Auto, ktore zamowilam nie bylo dostepne ale kilka dni pozniej samochody zostaly zamienione w dogodnym dla mnie miejscu. Staly kontak i szybka odpowiedz w przypadku problemow z samochodem. Jesli wiec chodzi o obsluge to nalezy sie 10 gwiazdek.
Sporym negatywnym zaskoczeniem bylo dla mnie natomiast wymaganie od klienta umycia auta przed oddaniem (zdarzylo mi sie to pierwszy raz a samochody wypozyczalam zarowno w Polsce, w Europie jak i w Stanach). Nie bardzo wyobrazam sobie aby w dniu wylotu jeszcze szukac myjni a auto i tak przyjedzie brudne i oklejone insektami z trasy. Totalny bezsens i brak wyobrazni ze strony wynajmujacego.