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Renault Traffic
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moja rezerwacja w ogóle nie doszła do skutku...firma Bavaria Boss Logostics to jakaś ściema!!! wieczór przed odbiorem auta poinformowano mnie że auto miało rzekomą stłuczkę (4 dni wcześniej), zaproponowano mi małe auto osobowe, gdzie nam potrzebny był bus, bądź samochód z niby firmy partnerskiej o 1000 zł droższy!!!! firma nie chciała wziąć na siebie różnicy w cenie co jest skandaliczne. Do państwa jako do pośrednika mam żal o to że mimo iz od maja wiecie że firma BBl jest oszustwem , nie poinformowaliście mnie o tym, jest to z państwa strony nieprofesjonalne.
Jedyna uwaga to pokazujące się stresujące ikonki "check engine" i sprawdź układ wydechowy na tablicy rozdzielczej.
1.Kierowca spozniony o ponad pol godziny
Zgadza się niestety ze względu na opóźnienie zwrotu samochodu przez poprzedniego najemce samochód został podstawiony później. Jednak wcześniej klient został o tym poinformowany i jak najbardziej zaakceptował zmianę godziny podstawienia samochodu. Odkryj-Auto2016-04-14
For all English speakers needing to rent a vehicle in the Silesia area I want to highly recommend PolTrans. The price, the delivery of the vehicle, the quality of the vehicle and freedom to drive it outside of Poland was remarkable. I checked so many other offers and none of them came close to what PolTrans offers.
The car was in bad condition. Shortly after we received the car, the side door developed a problem, opened while the car was moving and was impossible to close from the inside. Response from the car company was to send a mechanic and a representative to assist us (we waited approximately 1.5 hours for their arrival). The mechanic was friendly and competent and did his best to assist, while the other representative seemed more interested in a scratch on the side of the car that was there when we received it, but he thought we had caused. His general behavior was unpleasant and impolite and his whole attitude seemed to suggest that he thought the problem with the car was our fault.
The mechanic was unable to fix the problem completely, which is understandable on a Saturday evening when parts are hard to get, but the company made no effort to contact us later to fix the problem, although we spent the whole time in Bielsko-Biala, where parts would have been possible to acquire. Neither did they make any suggestion of alternative arrangements, such as replacing the car. No offer of a recuced price as a compensation for the problems were given.
On the positive side, the represenative who met us at the airport both on arrrival and departure from KRK was friendly and polite and gave us the only apology we received for the problems.
I have booked cars from rentcars.pl on several occations before, with good experiences, but this latest experience makes me sceptical of your services. When you supply cars from several different companies you are very dependent on the quality and service each individual company can offer. In order for your services to appear trustworthy you need to take steps to remove sich cars as the one we got from your pool, and also to make it very clear to Emb Services that their customer handling is totally inadequate,
The van was fantastic and very easy to drive. We had a great and comfortable trip. I really advice to rent this car.
Very good quality-price
The only thing I didnt like was that rentcars didnt inform us to clean the van after using it and they took 50 zl from our deposit having been their fault.