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Volkswagen Golf
Відгуки клієнтів
Booked car seemed good value but got to airport and couldn't find location, not with the rest of rental car businesses. Help desk pointed us to a service station 10 mins walk away, that was closed, rang number said to go back to number 3 airport bus and waited over an hour there, asked a person where your rent was and showed him all details but did not understand, when got to rental cars he was working there doing shuttle transfers so thought that was not good. nice worker then phoned and said he would collect us and did no problem, volkswagen Golf was not available so got corolla which was no problem all good and great service from same man that collected us. On return of car we were charged an extra 158e for just going over the border for 30 mins and came back with just under half tank of petrol as could not find petrol station close by. Overall car was fine but things could have been a lot better
Oceniam bardzo źle, ponieważ zrobiłem rezerwację na samochód marki volkswagen Golf a dostałem Fiata, nie zostalem wgl poinformowany ze będzie zmiana samochodu .. takie trochę nieprofesjonalne zachowanie. Bo jest napisane w umowie golf poczym przyjezdza fiat i zostaje na miejscu poinformowany ze wogole golfa nie mają... no to jest nie Ok.. pani która przyjmowała zamówienie samochodu powinna trochę bardziej się douczyc a nie wciskać ludzia co idzie ..