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Recensioni dei nostri clienti
Pick up was nice and easy, as soon as I came outside the terminal, I had to call them, a friendly guy gave me the car, clean, new. Drop off was easy too. Highly recommended company!
A więc:
Powiem szczerze że po raz kolejny jestem bardzo zadowolonym klientem. Pełen profesjonalizm, punktualność i miła obsługa. Cieszy mnie że dostałem lepsze auto niż oryginalnie rezerwowałem.
Serdecznie pozdrawiam i dziękuję
Maciej Giez
Po raz pierwszy spotkałem się z firma Wheego która mnie obsłużyła. Wzięli PLN3300 deposit i potracili mi PLN2500 z kata za mała ryse na przednim zderzaku.
The mile limit wasn't unlimited, because it was under 7 days, and I didn't find that information anywhere or in confirmation email. I find out that when I get the pic up the car.
Riku, thank you for your opinion. You paid 324,- pln for renting a vehicle for 3 days with insurance ! :) You exceeded the mileage limit but no one charged you for it. Information about the limit for rentals of less than 7 days is clearly stated in the regulations that you accept when booking the vehicle. Cars 4 Rent2023-12-14